I started this blog in April 2009. That was about 5 and half months ago! So on the eve of my half-year anniversary, I would like to make this shout out for guest contributions.
This isn’t a very high profile blog, just something I started for fun, but I would like to start expanding and gaining some momentum, so I thought, what would be better than asking some friends to help out. For this reason, I am accepting submissions from readers to be guest writers for my blog.
Poke around on my blog to see what types of posts I like to write. Post some comments if you feel like you have something interesting to say. If you would like to participate, email me back at chewbear@natguy.net
Please email me the following things by 10/12. If selected, your first piece will be due for editing on 10/19 and published on 10/21, or staggered after this date if I accept multiple pieces.
Please provide a short writing sample (200 words is fine) and a list of 4 or more potential blog entry topics. For the topics, please be descriptive. For example, do not just say “organic coffee.”
If things work out, commitment after the first piece would be minimal. You can contribute as often as you would like. I know how busy everyone is, but maybe this would be a nice way to take an occasional break from life to write something for fun.
Unfortunately, I can’t give you anything in return for your work, unless you like hugs and drinks. But, this would be a pretty cool way to see your work published on the web and show it to friends and family. You could put this on your resume or CV if you would like to link to a published writing sample to show people who you are applying to work with.
If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment or shoot me an email!
Image credit: Flickr user ecstaticist