I received an email yesterday that I have been accepted for a StartingBloc Social Innovation Fellowship, that will start with the Social Institute for Innovation in March 2010. Here is a description from their website The StartingBloc Social Innovation Fellowship is kickstarted by the Institute for Social Innovation. The Institute is a five day transformationalRead More
Month: November 2009
Tips from the “Idealist Guide to Nonprofit Careers for First-time Job Seekers”
This document has been helpful to me as a novice job seeker. Even if you are not looking for a job in the nonprofit sector, there is a lot of good advice that could be useful for your job search! Below the embedded document, I have pulled out some of the most helpful things thatRead More
Google Flu Trends
So I am sick, possibly with the flu, and I remembered looking at Google Trends for the flu a while back so I though I’d post about it. Here is a video explaining it: It is interesting to me how they use search terms data to put together these models. It makes me think aboutRead More
LEED Green Associate Study Guide Outline and Notes: Day before the exam

So today I took and passed the LEED Green Associate examination! I can now add the LEED GA credential to add to my resume! While studying, I pulled together this basic outline of study tips and resources. These are meant for people who are also in the process of studying for the LEED GA exam.Read More