Yesterday, the graduating masters students in my department presented on their theses. I’m really proud of all of them and wish them luck in their future endeavors! We’ve had a kick butt 2 year run here, and we all deserve some fun now! Here are the topics they studied: Use of microsatellites to classify individualsRead More
Year: 2009
up in arms

A friend recently asked me my opinion on petitions for legislative action. You know, those pesky emails and junk mail that say “Action needed now!” or “[Insert terrible event here] will happen if you don’t do this!” Or just the plea for help to solve something by simply signing a petition for some legislation. LetRead More
when will we learn, when will we change
There are few things to cover today that I have been meaning to talk about! I recently read this blog on the New York Times website about President Obama’s recent speech to the National Academy of Sciences. The author of the blog entry makes an interesting point that Obama is encouraging creativity, over consumerism. IRead More
Profile on Dickson Despommier, Ph.D.
A discussion about vertical farming and some of its environmental implications (Portions of the quoted text have been edited from the raw transcript.) Vertical farming has been brought into the forefront recently, with a spot in the film FUEL, articles in TIME, Scientific American, as well as others in the past 6 months. What thisRead More
new energy generation
Ever thought that maybe the energy expended to shake your booty at a dance club could be converted to useful electricity? I haven’t been clubbing in a long time, but when I do it is usually a good workout, mostly from the bouncing around. Piezoelectric energy allows mechanical stress to generate electric potential. The panelsRead More
Climate change and conflict
(This piece was written in Fall 2008.) Climate change is important to any analysis for the future, environmentally, socially, economically, or politically. The IPCC projects that with rising temperatures, there will be a global increase incidence of droughts, desertification, and extreme precipitation events (IPCC 2007). The increase in temperature will also allow range expansion andRead More