Sunken Forest

On July 3rd, I went to Fire Island off the coast of Long Island, NY. While we were there, we took some time to walk through the Sunken Forest, which is a several hundred year-old patch of forest that is protected from the ocean water by dunes. Bogs! Just talking about them makes me cringeRead More

Happy 4th!

Happy Fourth of July! For your enjoyment, here are some interesting pages on fireworks: How Fireworks Work NOVA online (video clips, anatomy of a firework, interview with a pyrotech…) This year’s Macy’s Fireworks will be on the Hudson River instead of the East River. The show starts at 9pm! Image credit: Flickr user Mr MagooRead More

The ever elusive…balanced diet?

One main point that Michael Pollan brings up is the general shift from complexity to simplicity. He means that nutritional quality is eventually sacrificed because the complex interactions and combinations of nutrients are being simplified by industrializing and processing food. Biological and ecological interactions that culminate in the plant and animal products that we consumeRead More