I’ve done it. I’ve downplayed something about myself to give off a different or specific image of myself to others. I just never knew there was a word for it. It’s called “covering,” and it has deeper implications than we may think. My book club read a few months ago a book by that name,Read More
Author: Chia-Yi
The most high profile conference I’ve ever been to

Today is the second day of the meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)’s advisory body, the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), in its 16th meeting (SBSTTA 16). This body makes recommendations for implementation of the Convention. There is an estimated 600 people here, with delegates and parties representing aroundRead More
EcoHealth Art Competition
You have 3 weeks to submit your artwork for this contest! Details below: The academic journal EcoHealth proudly announces our 2nd Biennial International Art Competition. We would like to extend an open invitation to students, graphic artists, and any other interested individuals to participate. Artwork should exemplify the IAEH mission: To strive for sustainable healthRead More
Follow me on Pinterest!
Finding new ways to visualize things is really happening field. (I’ve recently started toying with creating infographics, with inspiration from some really cool blogs.) Pinterest is a way to visualize things from the internet or real life by showing the photo of interest with your own caption underneath. It is a nice way to visuallyRead More
Continuing on the non-PhD route…
I wrote several months ago about not going down the traditional PhD route. I still feel the same way, but now I have a few new insights to add to that. Some of which may involve exciting world travels. I’m not closed off to the possibility of going back to graduate school, and if IRead More
The controversy over H5N1 research
Prominent researchers gathered on Feb. 2nd, 2012 for a panel discussion, sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), to discuss the moratorium on H5N1 research. Should researchers publish their studies? Would it be a threat to security if the wrong people were able to use their findings? As much as academia may thinkRead More