In a recent paper published in Conservation Biology, Blickley et al. analyzed 60 job advertisements and interviewed 14 people from organizations working in conservation from the nonprofit, government, and private sectors. In reading the article and this blog post, I was thinking, might there be a discrepancy between what survey respondents say they are lookingRead More
Category: Books and Stuff to Read
Joking with Mr. Feynman (Book Review) and deciding not to decide anymore
Richard Feynman has a quirky voice, adeptly captured by this book. I hope that someday I’ll have a quarter as many good stories as he seems to have. One thing that I truly admire about him is that he is completely open and is always up for a new experience or adventure. My favorite isRead More
Converting, Passing, Covering (Book Review)
I’ve done it. I’ve downplayed something about myself to give off a different or specific image of myself to others. I just never knew there was a word for it. It’s called “covering,” and it has deeper implications than we may think. My book club read a few months ago a book by that name,Read More
Say No to Twilight, Say Yes to (free) classics!

Instead of reading mediocre to bad fiction in your spare time, how about some classics? For free? I might be defining my opinion about Twilight by this entry, but, really, what happened to reading good literature? After leaving high school where many of us had required reading, how many continue to pay tribute to theRead More
And irrational behavior reigns again!
I’ve just started reading the book Sway: The Irresistable Pull of Irrational Behavior by Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman. They are two brothers who got into seemingly different fields of business and psychology, but found that there are really interesting ideas that tie the two together. I haven’t gotten that far in the book yetRead More
Is heartbreak just another manifestation of loss aversion?

A friend told me a few months ago that when he was going through heartbreak, he found his way through it by reading an entire graphic novel series in a slightly obsessive binge. He assured me that I would find something to help me through my heartbreak as well. This hopefully is my graphic novelRead More