You have 3 weeks to submit your artwork for this contest! Details below: The academic journal EcoHealth proudly announces our 2nd Biennial International Art Competition. We would like to extend an open invitation to students, graphic artists, and any other interested individuals to participate. Artwork should exemplify the IAEH mission: To strive for sustainable healthRead More
Category: Misc
Anything else.
Follow me on Pinterest!
Finding new ways to visualize things is really happening field. (I’ve recently started toying with creating infographics, with inspiration from some really cool blogs.) Pinterest is a way to visualize things from the internet or real life by showing the photo of interest with your own caption underneath. It is a nice way to visuallyRead More
Internships in environmental economics and health

EcoHealth Alliance is looking for 2 people who are interested in environmental economics and health to intern at our offices in NYC for 2 or more months, at least 2 days per week. This is an opportunity to work with our experts on issues such as economics of emerging diseases or of disease in wildlifeRead More
Recycled plastic eyeglasses frames

A year ago this month, I purchased new eyeglasses frames from the Earth Conscious Optics line by MODO. They are made completely of recycled plastic. I could also chosen frames that were made from recycled metals. They have been awesome so far, although they don’t sit quite evenly on my nose, but that just mightRead More
Ditching the bottle and making the switch to solid shampoo bars

There has always been something alluring about a nicely packaged shampoo or personal care product. The packaging designers definitely tap into some kind of psychology of the consumer so that they can project the image that they want us to have of their product. Somehow, we might unconsciously link a pretty bottle to the qualityRead More
Where is sustainable development research headed?
The 17th International Sustainable Development Research Conference is being held at Columbia University on May 8-10, 2011. The main topic of the conference is “Moving Toward a Sustainable Future: Opportunities and Challenges,” and one of the things I’m interested in seeing is if there are any researchers who will present work that is based moreRead More