According to, 2009 is the “Year of Science.” May is the month of Sustainability and the Environment! There are several interesting things to read on EarthPortal’s website, including an interesting page on land use change and an e-book called “Making Development More Sustainable.” In the introduction of this e-book, they authors introduce a term,Read More
Category: Misc
Anything else.

Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE): Peer-reviewed video journal articles Remember that Large Hadron Rap that blew up on YouTube? A fellow classmate in my writing about science course wrote about “viral” videos like that one for his term paper. It’s a really cool idea, since he took the angle that education about science could benefitRead More
E3B Masters Thesis Presentations
Yesterday, the graduating masters students in my department presented on their theses. I’m really proud of all of them and wish them luck in their future endeavors! We’ve had a kick butt 2 year run here, and we all deserve some fun now! Here are the topics they studied: Use of microsatellites to classify individualsRead More
Update on scientific literacy piece
I’m still working on that piece on scientific literacy for my writing about science course. I mentioned it in an earlier post. Here are some of the parts and quotes that I have cut out: A recent Columbia graduate comments on her experience in a course called “Better Planet By Design,” saying that, “It madeRead More
burn out brighter
I am working on a piece about scientific literacy! This is for a course on writing about science. I sent around this survey to gather a sense of what people in my generation know about science and what they thought about their core science classes. Some of the responses are quite interesting. Here are aRead More
more than words…
First post! A few interesting things: The Empire State building is getting retrofitted! I met Adam Bly of Seed Media Group on Tuesday. He is the Founder, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of SEED magazine. I have rediscovered my love for the song “More than words” by Extreme, but now I also love the version played byRead More