In a recent paper published in Conservation Biology, Blickley et al. analyzed 60 job advertisements and interviewed 14 people from organizations working in conservation from the nonprofit, government, and private sectors. In reading the article and this blog post, I was thinking, might there be a discrepancy between what survey respondents say they are lookingRead More
Category: Musings
Thoughts and insights from daily interactions and sightings.
Continuing on the non-PhD route…
I wrote several months ago about not going down the traditional PhD route. I still feel the same way, but now I have a few new insights to add to that. Some of which may involve exciting world travels. I’m not closed off to the possibility of going back to graduate school, and if IRead More
Experiencing outdoor concerts makes me happy!
I was lucky enough to catch The xx at Summerstage in Central Park last Sunday after being away for a tournament. And by “catch,” I mean I sat/stood outside of the gates in a clearing in the trees and barely was able to see a sliver of stage. There is something about being outside inRead More
Defending wolves and worldviews

I like wolves. As a child, I loved the book “Julie of the Wolves” and as an adult I enjoyed the anime “Wolf’s Rain.” Wolves are some of the least understood of the predators that humans have pitted themselves against over the ages, others being sharks, bears, and large cats. One of the main reasonsRead More
Why I still love using my Sony Reader for ebooks

With a slew of recent releases of gadgets that serve as ebook readers (Barnes and Noble Nook, iPad, and all the ones announced at the Consumer Electronics Show), I thought I would take some time to look back on the experience I’ve had with my Sony PRS-505 Reader and why I love it and e-inkRead More
What could the Apple iPad do for science?
Last night, on the eve of what might be the most exciting Apple announcement this year, I wondered what a Mac slate or tablet could mean for scientists, researchers, and people in the field. Now with the iPad announced and the details of it released, here are some of my thoughts. The increased mobility ofRead More