It bothers me that some restaurants that are supposedly trying to educate the public about food choices and farming STILL charge exorbitant prices for their dishes. One example is the Blue Hill restaurants and farms (which are super prestigious and has received special chef awards and recognition). What is the point of having that goalRead More
Category: Musings
Thoughts and insights from daily interactions and sightings.
up in arms

A friend recently asked me my opinion on petitions for legislative action. You know, those pesky emails and junk mail that say “Action needed now!” or “[Insert terrible event here] will happen if you don’t do this!” Or just the plea for help to solve something by simply signing a petition for some legislation. LetRead More
new energy generation
Ever thought that maybe the energy expended to shake your booty at a dance club could be converted to useful electricity? I haven’t been clubbing in a long time, but when I do it is usually a good workout, mostly from the bouncing around. Piezoelectric energy allows mechanical stress to generate electric potential. The panelsRead More
What if a meteor hit the planet? I know there have been several movies about this topic, but really, what if? What would happen to the planet and everything on it? Immediately there would be a lot of destruction, but what about later? What are the longer term effects of such an impact? What wouldRead More
like a rickshaw getting pulled around by another rickshaw
Overheard conversation in class about an assignment to be handed in: A: “Were we supposed to print double or single-sided?” B: “I don’t know.” A: “Well I wasn’t sure, so I did both. I didn’t want to get points off for something silly like that.” Our previous assignment requested that we print double-sided. It wouldRead More
do what you want
A few weeks ago, I was having lunch with a friend. He is planning his wedding and they recently have been going to Bed Bath & Beyond to add items to their registry. He told me about a few items that he saw while there: containers for a single slice of bread, and containers thatRead More