I’m not really sure what all the details were about the Twitter and Facebook outage last week. But, from reading some of the headlines that were floating around about people feeling lost without access, I think it really is a sign that we are becoming so accustomed to being constantly connected to the Internet andRead More
Category: Society
The black lagoons of the USA

The author of the NYT editorial I wrote about on August 4th brought up this idea: “Domestically, a power company can earn credits by, say, helping farmers capture methane emitted by animal waste ponds or cultivate land in ways that help absorb carbon.” I’ve read a few articles about these “black lagoons” (term borrowed fromRead More
Just when we think we might make progress…
The Senate is in a position to pass a climate change bill aimed at the energy industry. There are some things that were changed through much of the politicking going on, and it is unsure whether the bill would be successful at doing much in the way of reducing emissions. Here are a few opinions:Read More
The wikiquest for innovation

I’m currently in the middle of the book Wikinomics by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams. They discuss the increasing popularity and need for collaborative effort to create value and content in this economy. Examples range from the music industry to server software. Quotes: Pg. 28 “By definition, a truly global economy has no physicalRead More
Smart growth
Here are some interesting articles about smart growth in the Long Island, New York area: http://www.nylcv.org/ecopoliticsdaily/20090702_green_development_in_suffolk_county http://libn.com/spacedout/2009/07/01/more-affordable-housing-for-patchogue/ It is nice to hear that these residential buildings will also be near retail spaces, so that the people living there will have access to places within walking distance where they can fulfill their basic needs.
Eater’s guidelines…attempts at making sense of it all
As promised, though a bit late, here are some general guidelines for buying and consuming food as suggested by Michael Pollan in the ending chapters of In Defense of Food. He covers a lot of ideas while giving some advice and I will summarize here some of the ones I think are key. I reallyRead More