Gross domestic product (GDP) has been a crucial metric for individual countries to know how they are doing from year to year. The International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP) recently invited essays on this topic. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to finish writing by the deadline, but here are my ideas. If we are all to continue reapingRead More
Category: Some Comments
Interpretations, insights, reactions and comments on news, events, articles, etc.
The role of infectious zoonotic diseases as a connecting element for the Sustainable Development Goals

Someone once asked me, “Isn’t sustainable development an oxymoron?” Now, before you are filled to the brim with contempt for this person, it was only a half-serious but quite valid question with a point to be made. The way that we define and practice sustainable development would be very important to know and understand firstRead More
The non-PhD route
What does it mean, to be a PhD? It’s different in different places, of course. There have been several articles published on this topic, for me most notably in Nature and the Economist. The idea of doing some research that I’m extremely interested in is still very appealing to me. It’s just that…I don’t wantRead More
Adam Bly on science education and scientific literacy [Updated with my response]
[Originally posted May, 15, 2009] (This semester our class had the opportunity to have Adam Bly of Seed Media Group as a guest speaker. I asked him his opinion on the role of education in scientific literacy, specifically for the piece I wrote and posted here earlier. The following is the response he sent me.Read More
Connecting the path to energy savings with “No on Prop 23″ funding
Today I started reading news in Google Reader, and came across 2 topics that I wish could just find a way to meet up. They have to do with getting widespread behavior and mentality change to happen and funding for political campaigns/issues. That may not sound like they can be connected, but just read on!Read More
Our country is overweight; Food Network needs a new image!

Watch the Food Network for a few hours of programming and count up the number of times a healthy eating habit is promoted. You won’t count very high. Even with over 50% of the U.S.’s adult population overweight or obese (Wikipedia citation), healthy food and eating is on the backburner for the Food Network. AsRead More