There are few things to cover today that I have been meaning to talk about! I recently read this blog on the New York Times website about President Obama’s recent speech to the National Academy of Sciences. The author of the blog entry makes an interesting point that Obama is encouraging creativity, over consumerism. IRead More
Category: Some Comments
Interpretations, insights, reactions and comments on news, events, articles, etc.
Rosemary Grant and the Galapagos finches

As part of Columbia University’s Darwin Speaker Series, Rosemary Grant of Princeton University came to speak on April 14th, 2009 about evolution in Darwin’s finches. This year being the 150th anniversary of On the Origin of Species, and the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth, it was fitting for Rosemary Grant to speak about her researchRead More
Commentary on “Why isn’t the brain green?”
The New York Times Magazine recently put out a piece by Jon Gertner about environmental decision-making and the different social dynamics that are involved. The author discusses several different studies that involve individual and group decision-making. One group doing such research is the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions is an interdisciplinary based at ColumbiaRead More
Climate Change: Picturing the Science

I attended a book launch today for Climate Change: Picturing the Science, hosted by the Columbia Climate Center of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. The book is focused on how to take the science and communicate it through words and pictures. Leading climate scientists contributed to the writing of the chapters while the photographsRead More
The Earth Institute’s Panel on “Greening the Urban Economy”
On March 5th, 2009, at the top of the International Affairs Building at Columbia University gathered a diverse group of experts as part of the Earth Institute’s Seminars on Sustainable Development. Though their specialties ranged from Civil Engineering to environmental non-profit organizations, they spoke on a panel together on “Greening the Urban Economy.” “What doesRead More