[Originally posted May, 15, 2009] (This semester our class had the opportunity to have Adam Bly of Seed Media Group as a guest speaker. I asked him his opinion on the role of education in scientific literacy, specifically for the piece I wrote and posted here earlier. The following is the response he sent me.Read More
Tag: scientific literacy
California Academy of Sciences

I just started reading Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food. I read The Omnivore’s Dilemma about a year and a half ago and found it very perspective-changing so I am looking forward to what this book will have to say. The first few chapters have focused on discussion of the ideology behind “nutritionism.” Pollan pointsRead More
Picking vegetables? On the water? On the Hudson River?

That might sound like a strange idea, but it is possible! The Science Barge is a floating farm museum, currently docked in Yonkers, NY, that aims to bring awareness about urban farming. They claim to grow tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumbers with zero carbon emissions, zero pesticides, and zero runoff. Thousands of schoolchildren, adults, and pressRead More
Scientific literacy: making science concepts into “household names”
“Can you explain stem cell research to me?” This is not what you would normally hear on the car ride back to campus, after a week of on Spring Break. You might think we’d be talking about the Ultimate Frisbee tournament we just played at, the nice beach that we stayed near, or anything onRead More
Update on scientific literacy piece
I’m still working on that piece on scientific literacy for my writing about science course. I mentioned it in an earlier post. Here are some of the parts and quotes that I have cut out: A recent Columbia graduate comments on her experience in a course called “Better Planet By Design,” saying that, “It madeRead More