
About me

me on coney island beach
My name is Chia-Yi. This blog is an amalgamation of my intellectual interests. I’m an ecologist in an interdisciplinary setting, and often find myself intrigued by the relationship between scientific and social issues.

Topics that interest me are: conservation, environment, ecology, neuroscience, psychology, economics, policy, and sustainable development. This blog explores these topics and intersections of interesting topics, while attempting to bring new insight to some of the issues brought up.

About the name of the blog

The “Before Breakfast” part of the name of the blog comes from a friend of mine. Here is how he explains it:

“If you’re wondering where the “before breakfast” name comes into everything, it comes from a certain Japanese expression, “asameshimae” (朝飯前, or literally, “before breakfast”), expressing that something is extremely easy to do. Kind of like “a piece of cake.” The expression is indicating that something is so easy to accomplish, it can be done before someone eats breakfast.”

This blog is about science and how it relates to many other topics, so “Science Before Breakfast” encompasses that thought that science can and should be a part of daily discussions and life in general.

Entry topics in this blog range from miscellaneous/nerdy things or events I’ve attended, to musings from day-to-day interactions, to feature length pieces about specific issues.

See you around and thanks for visiting!